
Introductions! o(^-^)o ♪

Welcome to MOMOCORE (mXc) the Idol Mosh Pit!!! Don't just stand in back- get in on the action. I.E. don't just be a casual fan- Know them like the Japanese are able to. An up-close and personal look at particularly (my imaginary girlfriend) Tsugunaga Momoko(嗣永桃子)and H!P Kids/AKB48 in general. Obsession as an artform. I probably should have the Momo-worship blog seperate since it's confusing- But I'm just going to put everything here-Why not right? lol Here's an idea of what you can expect from mXc:

-As much information about Momo and my favorite members/groups that my semi-Japanese-comprehending-ass can gather

-Frequent translations of radio shows/interview/quotes/event reports etc.


-expressing my undying love for Momo and why she's awesome in various ways

-Something I can't wait to gush about.. Member love!! aka "raburabu". General memberxmember love. haha What they think of eachother, who's good friends, how their personalities mesh,etc. THIS WILL BE A MAJOR FEATURE I'm predicting- Since it's the greatest part for me haha *no shame*

I don't personally care about the appearance in regards to graphic technicality etc. and I'm not concerned about it atm. I don't care how many people read this since I'm writing for myself to spew out all the love I have (disregard that word choice), but I'd be happy if people liked it too~ As time goes on I'll include more about myself but for now it's all about the momochi. I have endless things to rant about so keep checking in!

- mXc coordinator: Xie


  1. Your blog is so great! Now I have another favorite site =D

  2. Thanks loveberryz! :D I'm glad! and I just started lol

  3. Wow, this blog is very good. I'll keep coming for more!

  4. Hello!, thanks for create this blog jeje

    Regards for a Big Fan of Momo from Mexico =D
