
Beritsuu! 6 & 7

Sorry guys, I'll probably stop doing these, I just don't have enough time. :/ I don't like half-assing them, and with everything else I have going on, I feel bad putting out cut-up recap versions of the shows. I've been doing them because noone else is, so everyone can know what's going on, but I hardly get any feedback/comments anyway so it's just not worth it. I'll just write summaries in the future- instead of translating the actual dialogue. So we'll still know any latest Berryz info./hijinks but sorry I don't have enough time to translate all of it.
I got lazy but this kanji(クイズ君)= Quiz-kun.
090515 #6 (Spoken english words capitalized)

川´・_・リ<One coffee- black.
从o゚ー゚从<Please cry at tough times.
从´∇`从<One ticket to Shin-Osaka. First-class of course.
从´∇`从<Today's 'Beritsuu!' menu- eh, I, script-loving Chinami, will be announcing,
从´∇`从<like a male FM DJ.
从´∇`从<HEY! BOYS, and, AN GIRLS LISTENing to the podcast,
从´∇`从<NO NO, BOYS&GIRLS, until the LAST we're gonna go with HIGH TENSION.
从o゚ー゚从<haha "an girls"
从´∇`从<This time's LINE-UP is we'll hear the trivial INFORMATION,“Berryz News Headline”、I'll INTRODUCE the MENU- MANY MAIL that EVERYBODY sent in
从o゚ー゚从<menu (lol)
从´∇`从<and then we'll aim to GET a reward!“Berryz Mania Q”. Those 3 things. Alright then !
川´・_・リ从´∇`从从o゚ー゚从<HERE WE~ GO!
川´・_・リ<“Berryz News Headline”~ Let's go to Announcer Tokunaga in the Report Center.
从´∇`从<First, Concert tour news. At the concert in Tochigi on April 25, Berryz Koubou finally had their 100th concert. For that occasion, Berryz' members specially announced important points before the opening. Sudou Maasa-san's announcing was so good, the audience didn't notice it was her. In one sense that's something to be glad about, in another sense sad. Continuing, News concerning the Pacific Heaven Fanclub Event. Members each did the event alone, Sudou Maasa-san, it seems, played the guitar. She performed 『Munasawagi Scarlett』 all the way through, Tsugunaga-san who began playing the guitar before her, is probably anxious about that. Finally, Shimizu Saki's news. At the FC event, when they did Shimizu Saki's part, She was the only one who got every question right. There were also really difficult questions made on the spot, and she answered them all correctly. That's all from Tokunaga Chinami in the Report Center.

从´∇`从<So first, the 100th, announcement
从o゚ー゚从<We did the announcement
川´・_・リ<We did
从´∇`从<At first they didn't notice- the audience
从o゚ー゚从<Not at all
川´・_・リ<Maasa started but she did it so well, really
川´・_・リ<so well (lol)
从o゚ー゚从<They didn't notice at all
从´∇`从<And then Risako, What did she say?
川´・_・リ<Something like "Beryz Koubou is announcing this"
从o゚ー゚从<When she said that, they were like "Wa-!"
从´∇`从<Like, “Ohー!" They didn't notice Maa(lol)
从o゚ー゚从<They didn't (lol)
川´・_・リ<They didn't (lol)
从o゚ー゚从<I was like "Huh?" (lol)
从o゚ー゚从<I thought “Is this okay?" (lol)
川´・_・リ<(lol) right
从´∇`从<That was awesome, wasn't it
从o゚ー゚从<I practiced
从´∇`从<Then, at Pacific Heaven, Isn't Maa awesome? with the guitar
川´・_・リ<that was surprising
从o゚ー゚从<I started playing since around March
川´・_・リ<that's awesome
川´・_・リ<Momo can't do that
从´∇`从<She doesn't practice at all
从o゚ー゚从<I've never seen her
川´・_・リ<Me neither
从´∇`从<I can imagine her wanting to catch up-
川´・_・リ<Not really(lol)
从o゚ー゚从<Aren't you laughing too much (lol)
川´・_・リ<Right, Tsugunaga-san, I mean.
从´∇`从<Finally, Captain.
从o゚ー゚从<I'm curious about this
川´・_・リ<yeah (lol)
从´∇`从<But actually it would've been awkward if you didn't get them right even though you were alone.
从o゚ー゚从<That's true
从´∇`从<you'd be like, “Ah what should I do?" (lol)
川´・_・リ<There were some things that I don't think anyone knew about me
川´・_・リ<【How do you pick your clothes?】
从o゚ー゚从<For Maa, like..My mom
从o゚ー゚从<shops for me. She picks things out and I'll choose from that, my mom always checks.
从´∇`从<I don't go shopping with my mom lately
川´・_・リ<ah, right
从´∇`从<Chinami definitely goes shopping with her b-u-t, I mostly choose by myself
从o゚ー゚从<You've grown-up.
从´∇`从<I have~
川´・_・リ<You have.
从o゚ー゚从<you have
从´∇`从<I have~ ahahaー
从o゚ー゚从<“haha” (lol)

-Berryz Mania Q-
从´∇`从<Let's do our best!
从o゚ー゚从<Let's aim for it today!
从o゚ー゚从<Today as well, the one reading will be Quiz-kun, in parantheses fake.
从o゚ー゚从<If we get at least 7 questions right, Quiz-kun, in parantheses 29 yrs. old, even though he's a nice guy- will eat all 3 of the tea cakes, so let's do our best!
(Quiz-kun)<This is a question from the meeting to reveal a new vocal group that happened on Jan. 14, 2004. It was Berryz Koubou's first performance, which song did you perform?
从o゚ー゚从<『Go Girl』!
从´∇`从<right 『Go Girl』
川´・_・リ<『Go Girl』
从o゚ー゚从<『LOVE machine』!Huh?(lol)
从´∇`从<We did that too
川´・_・リ<We did that too
(クイズ君)<In the Berryz Koubou DVD Magazine Vol.1, Momoko,Chinami,Miyabi, and Yurina talked about topics out of a box,
从o゚ー゚从<What is that?
【When asked “What do you want to do?” Chinami-chan eagerly said "I want to do-"what?】
从o゚ー゚从<what what what?
从´∇`从<・・・ I don't know. Pass. Ahahahaha.
从o゚ー゚从<Pass (lol)
(クイズ君)<【Out of all of your Singles, Coupling, and Album songs, if you put them in alphabetical order, which song would come first?】
从´∇`从<『Arigatou! Otomodachi。』?
川´・_・リ<『Aisuru Hito no Namae o Nikki ni』
从´∇`从<pass pass!
(クイズ君)<【When Berryz Koubou were on 「Ohastar」 in July 2007. You wrote wishes for the Star Festival on a strip of paper. What did Maasa-chan write?】
从o゚ー゚从<All members call each other!
(クイズ君)<In the Berryz Koubou Concert Tour 2005 Fall backstage footage from the 3rd Anniversary Special DVD, Chinami-chan said a pun about lettuce, What did she say?
川´・_・リ<'Kono retasurettasu?'
川´・_・リ<Retasu, Wasuretassu. (I forgot the lettuce.)
(クイズ君)<"Retasuno taberuno wasuretasu"
【If you say April 1, 2007, for Berryz and all your fans, it would be the "Sakura Mankai" in Saitama Super Arena show that was unforgettable, It was also an important day for Captain Shimizu Saki-chan. Why?】
从o゚ー゚从<She started High School
从´∇`从<Her birthday?
川´・_・リ<Um I got bangs
(クイズ君)【Last year's broadcast-】Ooahh~ it's over~
从o゚ー゚从<That was great (lol)Quiz-kun
从o゚ー゚从<Quiz-kun's reaction was good just now (lol)
从´∇`从<Aw man--!
川´・_・リ<Quiz-kun reacted the most (lol)
(クイズ君)<Reveal the correct answers.
(クイズ君)<Right, itadakimasu
川´・_・リ<The sentences are really long though
从o゚ー゚从<eh~?seriously? ..
川´・_・リ<We can't talk normally if you're eating in front of us like that
从o゚ー゚从<He just ate one
川´・_・リ<He's eating he's eating~
(クイズ君)<(chewing)Yeah it's good~
从o゚ー゚从<It looks good~
从´∇`从<ah, outside the director is saying "I want to eat it too"
川´・_・リ<They really ate it all
从o゚ー゚从<They really ate it all at once (lol)
(クイズ君)<(chewing)It's good~
从o゚ー゚从<Wow~ (lol)
川´・_・リ<Before we had 5 right, now 6, so next time we should get 7
从o゚ー゚从<We definitely can.
从´∇`从<If everyone could send easier questions
川´・_・リ<And somewhat shorter sentences please(lol)
从o゚ー゚从<ha~ the mood dropped now.
川´・_・リ<Right, really.. I'm sure the listeners want them to give us the reward
川´・_・リ<But they really won't
从o゚ー゚从<They really won't.
从´∇`从<I'm hungry now, I can't talk
从o゚ー゚从<But Quiz-kun is outside
川´・_・リ<He came back (lol)
从´∇`从<eh!They're sharing!
川´・_・リ<Ah! Director! Eh~?
川´・_・リ<They won't let us have any~
从o゚ー゚从<Everyone's eating outside- deliciously

090522 #7

从o゚ー゚从<Chinami, Happy birthday. We'll eat lots of cake.
川´・_・リ<Congrats! However old you get, have the same long legs.
川´・_・リ<The day of this broadcast is
川´・_・リ<Chinami-chan's 17th birthday
川´・_・リ<Happy Birthday
从´∇`从<Thank you!
从o゚ー゚从<Woo- You're my Senpai.
川´・_・リ<17. How is it?
从´∇`从<Nothing's changed in particular
川´・_・リ<Is that right
从´∇`从<but I'd like to grow up a little more. But it seems like I've grown in some ways I don't want to continue to, like my appetite keeps increasing more and more (lol)
从´∇`从<so I don't want to keep growing in those aspects.
从o゚ー゚从<Are you hungry now?
从´∇`从<So, the just-turned 17, Tokunaga "script loving" Chinami, 17 yrs. old will!
川´・_・リ<yes (lol)
从´∇`从<be introducing today's "Beritsuu!" menu like a female FM DJ. Everyone listening to the podcast, All the park trees have turned green, (lol) May, how are you enjoying it? I'm sure there are people listening indoors, I recommend putting it on your iPod and listening while feeling the Spring breeze. This time on "Beritsuu!" will be,“Berryz News Headline”, "LETTER FROM EVERYONE", and "Tokunaga Chinami-san's recommendation"So then until the end-
川´・_・リ从´∇`从从o゚ー゚从<Check it out!
---“Berryz News Headline”
川´・_・リ<First, tomboyish news. The mischievous girl、Natsuyaki Miyabi-san spilled apple juice and ruined Sudou Maasa-san's clothes. This time, it wasn't a prank, it was an act of carelessness. Natsuyaki-san was very sorry. I'd like her to relax a bit more. Continuing, unbelievable news. Sudou Maasa-san, during a photoshoot for a certain song, smashed a guitar. An Idol breaking a guitar、even in the long history of the entertainment world, is probably a first. I dare say, Punkish. Finally, news about our new song. During the concerts on May 16 & 17th at the Tokyo KouseinenKinkaikan、our new song on sale June 3rd、"Rival" was performed for the first time. Because the title is "Rival", it brings up a cool image, but it's actually a cute and fairytale-like song. That's all from Shimizu Saki from the Report Center.
从o゚ー゚从<That was good~
从´∇`从<That was good
从o゚ー゚从<Captin, yeah
川´・_・リ<Ah~ thank you (lol)
从o゚ー゚从<Really (lol)
川´・_・リ<I didn't think we'd start with comments (lol) Thank you. The first news, Natsuyaki Miyabi-san (lol) spilled juice
从o゚ー゚从<Yes. When I didn't know,
川´・_・リ<Sudou-san's (lol)
从o゚ー゚从<Who saw~ ?
从´∇`从<I did~
从o゚ー゚从<the scene
从´∇`从<It seemed Miya left a camera on the desk,
从´∇`从<and when she finished drinking the apple juice, she put the cup down too hard so the camera slid
川´・_・リ<it spilled on her
从´∇`从<like 'splash'
从o゚ー゚从<What got damaged were, My shorts, and like there's a bag for your lunchbox right?, that got soaked
川´・_・リ<But I heard after she spilled it,
川´・_・リ<Miya asked "Do you want me to wash them?"(lol)but Maa was like "Ah, no that's okay. I'll wash it myself” (lol)
川´・_・リ<and then you washed it yourself(lol)
从o゚ー゚从<Right right, nicely with soap, but I dried it a good amount too
从´∇`从<Ah, Really?
从o゚ー゚从<Yeah, with an electric fan
从´∇`从<At concerts there are a lot of fans around
从o゚ー゚从<It's cold~ though, conversely
从´∇`从<I think that's to dry our costumes
川´・_・リ<Sudou Maasa-san, during a photoshoot broke a guitar
从o゚ー゚从<Wait, Hold on. That was an insufficient description.
从o゚ー゚从<That wasn't a real guitar(lol)
从o゚ー゚从<as one would expect.(lol)
从o゚ー゚从<You'll have to see to understand I think
川´・_・リ<So then, about our new ong.
从´∇`从<I was so nervous
从´∇`从< Before in 「Berikore!」we did "Madayade" for the first time too
川´・_・リ<right right right
从´∇`从<We were really nervous. And we had an encore right,
从´∇`从<One more song,
从o゚ー゚从<"Seishun Bus Guide" right.
从´∇`从<Until the encore, I was nervous. It was a weird nervousness.
川´・_・リ<Ah~ a different kind of nervousness.
从´∇`从<But this time the two songs are really different
川´・_・リ<Yeah, "Rival" and "SBG"
从´∇`从<So, everyone can enjoy these 2 kinds of Berryz Koubou


  1. Though I knew this day would come, the last translation of this radishow, it still makes me feel quite unhappy T.T

    Thank you so much for your great works :) I really enjoyed reading your translations. Looking forward to your next entries as always ;-)

  2. If you said so, oh well..
    But I appreciate what you've done, Thanks

  3. i'm very sad that this is the last translation of this radio show, im always looking forward to it, thanks for your work, hope you can translate when they talk about something important
